Related how?

Biota (Life)
Eukaryote (Eukarya)
Diaphoretickes (Plants+hc+sar megagroup)
Plant (Green plants)
Viridiplantae (Chlorobiota)
Streptophyta (Streptophytina)
Embryophyte (Land plants)
Tracheophyta (Higher plants)
Euphyllophytina (Euphyllophyta)
Seed plants (Phanerogams)
Angiosperms (Flowering plants)
Mesangiosperms (Core angiosperms)
Eudicots (Eudicotidae)
Core eudicots
Rosids (Rosiden)
Malvids (Eurosids ii (in apg i and ii))

Euphorbiaceae (156584)

English name: spurge family

Children (270 direct children, 18550 direct and indirect children):

Euphorbioideae (tree size 4943)

Codiaeum (tree size 43)

Chrozophora (tree size 19)

Aleurites (tree size 21)

Triadica (tree size 6)
Chinese tallow

Stillingia (tree size 148)

Manihot (tree size 386)

Jatropha (tree size 529)

Mercurialis (tree size 45)

Acalypha (tree size 1110)

Conceveiba (tree size 29)

Cephalocroton (tree size 14)

Anomostachys (tree size 1)

Amyrea (tree size 11)

Baloghia (tree size 20)

Sapium (tree size 239)

Thyrsanthera (tree size 1)

Neoboutonia (tree size 9)

Anomalocalyx (tree size 2)

Endospermum (tree size 22)

Hevea (tree size 80)

Macaranga (tree size 450)

Vernicia (tree size 3)
Tung tree

Bocquillonia (tree size 21)

Cnidoscolus (tree size 146)

Joannesia (tree size 4)

Monotaxis (tree size 27)
Monotaxis (plant)

Leucocroton (tree size 34)

Cleidiocarpon (tree size 2)

Cordemoya (tree size 20)

Sclerocroton (tree size 8)

Hura (tree size 10)
Sandbox tree

Excoecaria (tree size 190)

Crotonoideae (tree size 3651)

Alchornea (tree size 154)

Pogonophora (tree size 4)
Pogonophora (plant)

Acalyphoideae (tree size 1930)

Acidocroton (tree size 16)

Actinostemon (tree size 103)

Adelia (tree size 61)
Wild lime

Adenochlaena (tree size 4)

Adenocline (tree size 9)

Adenopeltis (tree size 1)

Adenophaedra (tree size 6)

Agrostistachys (tree size 16)

Alchorneopsis (tree size 5)

Algernonia (tree size 15)

Amperea (tree size 19)

Angostylis (tree size 2)

Annesijoa (tree size 1)

Anthostema (tree size 4)

Aparisthmium (tree size 2)

Argomuellera (tree size 21)

Astrococcus (tree size 2)

Balakata (tree size 2)

Baliospermum (tree size 29)

Beyeria (tree size 63)

Blachia (tree size 16)
Blachia (plant)

Blumeodendron (tree size 18)

Bonania (tree size 17)

Botryophora (tree size 1)

Calycopeplus (tree size 7)

Caryodendron (tree size 5)

Cavacoa (tree size 3)

Cephalocrotonopsis (tree size 1)

Cephalomappa (tree size 7)

Chaetocarpus (tree size 21)

Chiropetalum (tree size 34)

Chondrostylis (tree size 2)

Cladogelonium (tree size 1)

Cladogynos (tree size 1)

Claoxylopsis (tree size 3)

Claoxylon (tree size 207)

Clonostylis (tree size 1)

Clutia (tree size 97)

Cnesmone (tree size 14)

Coccoceras (tree size 5)

Cocconerion (tree size 2)

Colliguaja (tree size 9)

Colobocarpos (tree size 1)

Conosapium (tree size 1)

Crotonogyne (tree size 23)

Cubanthus (tree size 3)

Cunuria (tree size 8)

Micrococca (tree size 14)

Cyrtogonone (tree size 1)

Cyttaranthus (tree size 1)

Dalembertia (tree size 4)

Dimorphocalyx (tree size 32)

Homalanthus (tree size 47)

Strophioblachia (tree size 6)

Deutzianthus (tree size 2)

Speranskia (tree size 5)

Discocleidion (tree size 3)

Epiprinus (tree size 8)

Sumbaviopsis (tree size 1)

Koilodepas (tree size 15)

Megistostigma (tree size 5)

Erismanthus (tree size 4)

Discoclaoxylon (tree size 5)

Plukenetia (tree size 33)

Dendrocousinsia (tree size 8)

Haematostemon (tree size 2)

Sampantaea (tree size 1)

Dodecastigma (tree size 4)

Wetria (tree size 5)

Duvigneaudia (tree size 2)

Homonoia (plant) (tree size 7)

Grimmeodendron (tree size 2)

Ophellantha (tree size 2)

Gymnanthes (tree size 76)

Platygyna (tree size 10)

Pantadenia (tree size 3)

Mabea (tree size 109)
Mabea (plant)

Sphaerostylis (tree size 6)

Spathiostemon (tree size 4)

Dendrothrix (tree size 4)

Deuteromallotus (tree size 1)

Dichostemma (tree size 3)

Discoglypremna (tree size 1)

Ditaxis (tree size 85)

Ditrysinia (tree size 1)

Ditta (tree size 3)

Doryxylon (tree size 2)

Droceloncia (tree size 1)

Enriquebeltrania (tree size 2)

Erythrococca (tree size 52)

Falconeria (tree size 3)

False croton (tree size 70)

Fontainea (tree size 9)

Gavarretia terminalis (tree size 1)

Glycydendron (tree size 2)

Ophthalmoblapton (tree size 6)

Grossera (tree size 14)

Hamilcoa (tree size 1)

Micrandra (tree size 24)

Hylandia (tree size 2)

Klaineanthus (tree size 2)

Leeuwenbergia (tree size 2)

Leidesia (tree size 5)

Manniophyton (tree size 4)

Mareyopsis (tree size 2)

Martretia (tree size 2)

Micrandropsis (tree size 1)

Mildbraedia (tree size 7)

Moacroton (tree size 13)

Moultonianthus (tree size 2)

Myricanthe (tree size 2)

Nealchornea (tree size 2)

Necepsia (tree size 12)

Neoscortechinia (tree size 7)

Neotrewia cumingii

Octospermum pleiogynum (tree size 1)

Oligoceras (tree size 1)

Orfilea (tree size 4)

Ostodes (tree size 20)
Ostodes (plant)

Paranecepsia (tree size 1)

Plagiostyles (tree size 1)

Podadenia (tree size 3)

Polyandra (tree size 1)

Pseudagrostistachys (tree size 5)

Pseudosenefeldera (tree size 1)

Ptychopyxis (tree size 17)

Pycnocoma (tree size 37)

Rhodothyrsus (tree size 2)

Ricinodendron (tree size 11)

Rockinghamia (tree size 2)

Sagotia (tree size 10)

Sandwithia (tree size 2)

Senefelderopsis (tree size 4)

Spegazziniophytum (tree size 1)

Suregada (tree size 40)

Syndyophyllum (tree size 4)

Tacarcuna (tree size 2)

Tannodia (tree size 20)

Tapoides (tree size 1)

Tetraplandra (tree size 12)

Tetrorchidium (tree size 33)

Tragia (tree size 316)

Trigonopleura (tree size 3)

Vaupesia (tree size 1)

Victorinia (tree size 3)

Neoholstia (tree size 5)

Pleradenophora (tree size 6)

Seidelia (tree size 4)

Senefeldera (tree size 20)

Lasiococca (tree size 7)

Loerzingia (tree size 1)

Apodandra (tree size 4)

Crotonopsis (tree size 4)

Elaeophorbia (tree size 5)

Eleutherostigma (tree size 1)

Endadenium (tree size 1)

Fragariopsis (tree size 4)

Gitara (tree size 3)

Givotia (tree size 4)

Glyphostylus (tree size 1)

Julocroton (tree size 83)

Lautembergia (tree size 2)

Manihotoides (tree size 1)

Megalostylis (tree size 1)

Mettenia (tree size 1)

Monadenium (tree size 106)

Myladenia (tree size 1)

Pausandra (tree size 13)

Pedilanthus (tree size 69)


Pseudosagotia (tree size 1)

Pterococcus (tree size 4)

Synadenium (tree size 20)

Tetracarpidium (tree size 2)

Tragiella (tree size 6)

Veconcibea (tree size 2)


Plesiatropha (tree size 5)

Chamaesyce (tree size 468)

Avellanita (tree size 1)

Brasiliocroton (tree size 2)

Phyllanthoideae (tree size 12)

Afrotrewia (tree size 1)

Bossera (tree size 1)

Chlamydojatropha (tree size 1)

Chorisandrachne (tree size 1)

Microstachys (tree size 51)

Muricococcum (tree size 1)

Neoguillauminia (tree size 1)

Pachystylidium (tree size 1)

Parapantadenia (tree size 1)

Philyra (tree size 1)

Poinsettia (tree size 21)

Radcliffea (tree size 1)

Schinziophyton (tree size 1)

Shonia (tree size 7)

Romanoa (tree size 2)

Gelonium (tree size 41)

Omalanthus (tree size 8)

Danguyodrypetes (tree size 4)

Garciadelia (tree size 4)

Phyllanthodendron (tree size 15)

Synostemon (tree size 36)

Cometia (tree size 2)


Archileptopus (tree size 1)

Liodendron (tree size 1)


Cheilosoideae (tree size 13)

Euphorbiospermum (tree size 2)

Euphorbiotheca (tree size 2)

Lagenoidea (tree size 2)

Palaeowetherellia (tree size 1)

Wetherellia (tree size 2)

Karima (tree size 1)


Psilostachys (tree size 1)

Elaeophora (tree size 2)

Hexaspermum (tree size 1)


Alectoroctonum (tree size 7)

Tithymalus (tree size 610)

Paivaeusa (tree size 1)

Scepa (tree size 2)

Stilago (tree size 1)

Oldfieldioideae (tree size 1)



Anisophyllum [haworth]

Anisophyllum [boivin ex baill.]


