Related how?

Biota (Life)
Eukaryote (Eukarya)
Diaphoretickes (Plants+hc+sar megagroup)
Plant (Green plants)
Viridiplantae (Chlorobiota)
Streptophyta (Streptophytina)
Embryophyte (Land plants)
Tracheophyta (Higher plants)
Euphyllophytina (Euphyllophyta)
Seed plants (Phanerogams)
Angiosperms (Flowering plants)
Mesangiosperms (Core angiosperms)
Eudicots (Eudicotidae)
Core eudicots
Rosids (Rosiden)
Malvids (Eurosids ii (in apg i and ii))

Anacardiaceae (156589)

English name: cashew family

Children (90 direct children, 2070 direct and indirect children):

Cotinus (tree size 15)

Anacardium (tree size 26)

Mangifera (tree size 111)

Pseudosmodingium (tree size 8)

Schinus (tree size 59)

Campnosperma (tree size 15)

Thyrsodium (tree size 9)

Trichoscypha (tree size 91)

Pentaspadon (tree size 5)

Ozoroa (tree size 58)

Sorindeia (tree size 64)

Sclerocarya (tree size 7)

Schinopsis (tree size 12)

Astronium (tree size 25)

Swintonia (tree size 15)

Operculicarya (tree size 9)

Choerospondias (tree size 3)

Tapirira (tree size 17)

Dracontomelon (tree size 15)
Chi sấu

Semecarpus (tree size 99)

Gluta (tree size 37)

Metopium (tree size 4)
Florida poisontree

Anacardioideae (tree size 677)

Baronia (tree size 1)

Lannea (tree size 69)

Euroschinus (tree size 11)

Poupartia (tree size 13)

Nothopegia (tree size 17)

Ebandoua (tree size 1)

Abrahamia (tree size 34)

Loxopterygium (tree size 7)

Amphipterygium (tree size 7)

Mosquitoxylum (tree size 2)

Lithraea (tree size 4)

Mauria (tree size 22)

Actinocheita (tree size 2)

Androtium (tree size 1)

Apterokarpos (tree size 1)

Cyrtocarpa (tree size 6)

Dobinea (tree size 2)

Drimycarpus (tree size 4)

Euleria (tree size 1)

Faguetia (tree size 1)

Fegimanra (tree size 3)

Harpephyllum (tree size 1)

Holigarna (tree size 11)

Laurophyllus (tree size 1)

Loxostylis (tree size 1)

Melanochyla (tree size 23)

Montagueia (tree size 1)

Ochoterenaea (tree size 2)

Parishia (tree size 8)

Pegia (tree size 4)

Pleiogynium (tree size 7)

Pseudoprotorhus (tree size 1)

Pseudospondias (tree size 3)

Smodingium (tree size 3)

Solenocarpus (tree size 2)

Bouea (tree size 5)

Haematostaphis (tree size 4)

Koordersiodendron (tree size 1)

Rhodosphaera (tree size 1)

Attilaea (tree size 1)

Terminthia (tree size 1)

Myracrodruon (tree size 2)

Malosma (tree size 1)
Laurel sumac

Campylopetalum (tree size 1)

Orthopterygium (tree size 2)

Anisophyllum (tree size 3)
'anisophyllum' [g.don ex benth. (1849)]

Rhoeidium (tree size 2)

Antrocaryon (tree size 6)

Schmaltzia (tree size 29)

Micronychia (tree size 12)

Searsia (tree size 162)
Searsia (plant)

Cardenasiodendron (tree size 1)

Allospondias (tree size 2)

Styphonia (tree size 2)

Haplospondias (tree size 2)

Melanorrhoea (tree size 1)

Spondiadoideae (tree size 75)

Poupartiopsis (tree size 1)

Pentoperculum (tree size 1)

Anacardites (tree size 1)


Melanococca (tree size 1)

Lithrea (tree size 1)

Juliania (tree size 1)


