Related how?

Biota (Life)
Eukaryote (Eukarya)
Diaphoretickes (Plants+hc+sar megagroup)
Plant (Green plants)
Viridiplantae (Chlorobiota)
Streptophyta (Streptophytina)
Embryophyte (Land plants)
Tracheophyta (Higher plants)
Euphyllophytina (Euphyllophyta)
Seed plants (Phanerogams)
Angiosperms (Flowering plants)
Mesangiosperms (Core angiosperms)
Eudicots (Eudicotidae)
Core eudicots
Rosids (Rosiden)
Malvids (Eurosids ii (in apg i and ii))

Sapindaceae (27147)

Children (157 direct children, 4335 direct and indirect children):

Thouinia (tree size 53)

Hippocastanoideae (tree size 1340)

Amesiodendron (tree size 3)

Sapindus (tree size 45)

Litchi (tree size 7)

Doratoxylon (tree size 8)

Thouinidium (tree size 10)

Sinoradlkofera (tree size 1)

Pseudopancovia (tree size 1)

Blighia (tree size 7)

Magonia (tree size 1)
Magonia (plant)

Dimocarpus (tree size 17)

Zollingeria (tree size 4)

Haplocoelum (tree size 19)

Euchorium (tree size 1)

Gloeocarpus (tree size 1)

Athyana (tree size 2)

Eurycorymbus (tree size 2)

Sapindoideae (tree size 832)

Paranephelium (tree size 7)

Talisia (tree size 77)

Harpullia (tree size 38)

Nephelium (tree size 68)

Schleichera (tree size 4)

Cardiospermum (tree size 28)

Melicoccus (tree size 17)

Filicium (tree size 6)

Cossinia (tree size 6)

Bridgesia (tree size 1)

Atalaya (tree size 20)
Atalaya (plant)

Glenniea (tree size 8)

Sarcotoechia (tree size 10)

Molinaea (tree size 13)

Diatenopteryx (tree size 2)

Mischocarpus (tree size 24)

Arytera (tree size 37)

Erythrophysa (tree size 11)

Guioa (tree size 80)

Serjania (tree size 279)

Lepiderema (tree size 8)

Camptolepis (tree size 4)

Elattostachys (tree size 22)

Lecaniodiscus (tree size 7)

Diploglottis (tree size 18)

Toechima (tree size 8)

Castanospora (tree size 2)

Tina (tree size 28)
Tina (plant)

Otonephelium (tree size 1)

Aporrhiza (tree size 7)

Laccodiscus (tree size 4)

Cupania (tree size 140)

Dodonaeoideae (tree size 180)

Aphania (tree size 7)

Bottegoa (tree size 1)

Chytranthus (tree size 47)

Hypelate (tree size 1)

Deinbollia (tree size 62)

Majidea (tree size 8)

Pancovia (tree size 19)

Distichostemon (tree size 12)

Stocksia (tree size 1)
Stocksia (plant)

Beguea (tree size 10)

Otophora (tree size 5)

Pappea (tree size 3)

Sarcopteryx (tree size 12)

Tristiropsis (tree size 7)

Urvillea (tree size 25)

Averrhoidium (tree size 4)

Bizonula (tree size 1)

Blighiopsis (tree size 2)

Blomia (tree size 1)
Blomia (plant)

Chonopetalum (tree size 1)

Chouxia (tree size 6)

Conchopetalum (tree size 2)

Cubilia (tree size 2)

Dictyoneura (tree size 3)

Dilodendron (tree size 4)

Diplokeleba (tree size 2)

Eriocoelum (tree size 15)

Euphorianthus (tree size 1)

Exothea (tree size 3)

Ganophyllum (tree size 2)

Gongrodiscus (tree size 4)

Hippobromus (tree size 2)

Hornea (tree size 1)
Hornea (plant)

Houssayanthus (tree size 6)

Llagunoa (tree size 3)

Loxodiscus (tree size 1)

Lychnodiscus (tree size 10)

Matayba (tree size 59)

Pentascyphus (tree size 1)

Phyllotrichum (tree size 1)

Podonephelium (tree size 11)

Pseudima (tree size 4)

Pseudopteris (tree size 3)

Radlkofera (tree size 1)

Rhysotoechia (tree size 22)

Scyphonychium (tree size 1)

Sisyrolepis (tree size 1)

Smelophyllum (tree size 1)

Storthocalyx (tree size 5)

Synima (tree size 5)

Thinouia (tree size 13)

Tripterodendron (tree size 1)

Tristira (tree size 2)
Tristira (plant)

Xerospermum (tree size 7)

Zanha (tree size 3)

Pavieasia (tree size 3)

Allosanthus (tree size 1)

Diplopeltis (tree size 17)

Guindilia (tree size 3)

Hypseloderma (tree size 1)

Lepidopetalum (tree size 7)

Lophostigma (tree size 2)
Lophostigma (plant)

Macphersonia (tree size 16)

Plagioscyphus (tree size 12)

Stadtmannia (tree size 13)

Tinopsis (tree size 12)

Toulicia (tree size 17)

Tsingya (tree size 2)

Vouarana (tree size 2)

Boniodendron (tree size 2)

Calothyrsus (tree size 1)

Haplocoelopsis (tree size 1)

Jagera (tree size 12)
Jagera (plant)

Xanthoceratoideae (tree size 4)

Negundo (tree size 7)

Delavaya (tree size 3)

Chimborazoa (tree size 1)

Cnesmocarpon (tree size 4)

Erioglossum (tree size 2)

Gereaua (tree size 1)

Handeliodendron (tree size 1)

Mischarytera (tree size 4)

Prostea (tree size 1)

Schmidelia (tree size 30)

Thyana (tree size 2)

Pometia (tree size 5)
Pometia (plant)

Crossonephelis (tree size 5)

Hirania (tree size 1)

Alatococcus (tree size 1)

Namataea (tree size 1)

Omalocarpus (tree size 1)

Tapirocarpus (tree size 1)

Bohlenia (tree size 1)

Erythrophysopsis (tree size 1)

Balsas (tree size 1)

Sapindospermum (tree size 1)

Euphoria (tree size 14)

Castanella (tree size 1)


Sennia (tree size 1)

Pavia (tree size 2)

Anoumabia (tree size 1)



Corvinia stadtm. ex willemet